Buy refurbished HPLC systems to suit your application, from brands including Agilent and Shimadzu.
We sell a great selection of second hand HPLC systems, which are all serviced by a qualified and experienced HPLC engineer. Collectively we have extensive experience in refurbishing HPLC systems, helping to keep quality HPLC systems in circulation and out of landfill.
Read more about our used HPLC services here, or speak to a member of our team on 01257 270 433
System comprises G1322A Degasser, G1311A Binary Pump, G1313A ALS Autosampler, G1316A COLCOM Column Compartment, and G1314A Variable Wavelength Detector.
Agilent 1100 Series HPLC with manual injection, isopump and variable wavelength detector
The HPLC system includes a Solvent Tray Holder, Degasser, Quatpump, ALS Autosampler, Colcom and Diode Array Detector.
Categories: Chromatography, HPLC, HPLC Systems
Categories: HPLC Systems
Condition: Used
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