30L ashing furnace | Choose between maximum temperature of 1100°C or 1300°C
Categories: Ashing Furnace, Furnaces, Furnaces & Ovens, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year (Manufacturer Warranty)
The Snol 7.2L ashing furnace, designed with precision and attention to detail, ensures a high degree of accuracy in the ashing process.
Categories: Ashing Furnace, Ceramic Chamber Furnace, Furnaces & Ovens, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year (Manufacturer Warranty)
The Snol 8.2L ashing furnace, deisgned for high accuracy, offers a maximum temperature of 1100°C while operating with low power consumption.
Categories: Ashing Furnace, Furnaces & Ovens, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year (Manufacturer Warranty)
The Snol 15 Litres ceramic chamber furnace, equipped with a digital PID E5CC temperature controller, offers a high degree of accuracy in temperature control.
Categories: Ceramic Chamber Furnace, Chamber Furnace, Furnaces, Furnaces & Ovens, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year (Manufacturer Warranty)
The Snol 12 Litres ceramic chamber furnace, equipped with a digital PID E5CC temperature controller, offers a high degree of accuracy in temperature control.
Categories: Ceramic Chamber Furnace, Clinical & Biotech, Furnaces, Furnaces & Ovens, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year (Manufacturer Warranty)
The Snol 7.2 Litres ceramic chamber furnace, equipped with a digital PID E5CC temperature controller, offers a high degree of accuracy in temperature control.
Categories: Ceramic Chamber Furnace, Clinical & Biotech, Furnaces & Ovens, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year (Manufacturer Warranty)
The Snol 4 Litres ceramic chamber furnace, equipped with a digital PID E5CC temperature controller, offers a high degree of accuracy in temperature control.
Categories: Ceramic Chamber Furnace, Ceramic Chamber Furnace, Furnaces, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year (Manufacturer Warranty)
This Snol 45 Litres chamber furnace is a universal laboratory furnace designed for material testing and heat treamtment, with a maximum temperature of 1200°C.
Categories: Chamber Furnace, Furnaces, Furnaces & Ovens, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year (Manufacturer Warranty)
This Snol 40 Litres chamber furnace is a universal laboratory furnace designed for material testing and heat treamtment, with a maximum temperature of 1200°C.
Categories: Chamber Furnace, Furnaces, Furnaces & Ovens, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year (Manufacturer Warranty)
This Snol 30 Litres chamber furnace is a universal laboratory furnace designed for material testing and heat treamtment, with a maximum temperature of 1300°C.
Categories: Chamber Furnace, Furnaces, Furnaces & Ovens, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year (Manufacturer Warranty)
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