Analytical balances measure to four decimal places (or 0.1 mg). These balances are found in a wide range of laboratories, where high accuracy is important.
Can’t see what you’re looking for? Our team is on hand every week day to chat about what balance you need for your lab. Call us on 01257 270433 or contact us here
The A&D HR-251AZ Analytical Balance offers external calibration with 62/252g capacity and 0.1 mg readability, ensuring precise data analysis.
Categories: 4dp Analytical Balances, Balances, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 4 years (Manufacturer Warranty)
The A&D HR-150AZ Analytical Balance offers external calibration with 152 g capacity and 0.1 mg readability, ensuring precise data analysis.
Categories: 4dp Analytical Balances, Balances, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 4 years (Manufacturer Warranty)
The A&D HR-251A Analytical Balance offers external calibration with 62/252g capacity and 0.1 mg/1 mg readability, ensuring precise data analysis.
Categories: 4dp Analytical Balances, Balances, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 4 years (Manufacturer Warranty)
The A&D GX&GF-324A Series Analytical Balance has a capacity of 320g and a readability of 0.0001g, making it ideal for research and industrial activities.
Categories: 4dp Analytical Balances, Balances, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 4 years (Manufacturer Warranty)
The A&D GX&GF-124A Series Analytical Balance has a capacity of 122g and a readability of 0.0001g, making it ideal for research and industrial activities.
Categories: 4dp Analytical Balances, Balances, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 4 years (Manufacturer Warranty)
Capacity 51/220g or 51/120g | Readability: 0.01mg/0.1mg
Categories: 4dp Analytical Balances, 5dp Semi-Micro Balances, Balances, General Laboratory
Condition: New
Warranty: 3 years (Manufacturer Warranty)
Capacity options: 52/120g or 82/220g
Categories: 4dp Analytical Balances, 5dp Semi-Micro Balances, Balances
Condition: New
Warranty: 2 years (Manufacturer Warranty)
1 in stock
Ex-demo - Like new. Displays mass to 0.1 mg, between 0.12 to 220 g
Categories: 4dp Analytical Balances, Balances
Warranty: 30 days (Richmond Promise)
1 in stock
Ex-demo. Precise balance displays mass to 0.0001 g, up to a maximum capacity of 320 g
Categories: 4dp Analytical Balances, Balances
Warranty: 30 days (Richmond Promise)
Capacity options: 120 or 220 g, measures samples up to 0.1 mg (4 decimal places)
Categories: 4dp Analytical Balances, Balances
Condition: New
Warranty: 2 years (Manufacturer Warranty)
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