At Richmond Scientific we stock a variety of different used and refurbished analytical solutions including titrators, autosamplers and a huge range of second hand microscopes.
Click here to view our stock of microscopes or call 01257 270433 to book a tour of our showroom of second hand microscopes.
Water content determination apparatus
Agilent 1100 Series HPLC with manual injection, isopump and variable wavelength detector
The HPLC system includes a Solvent Tray Holder, Degasser, Quatpump, ALS Autosampler, Colcom and Diode Array Detector.
Categories: GC
Condition: Item has been powered on but not tested further
Warranty: 30 days (Richmond Promise)
The Agilent HPLC System guarantees the most efficient mixing and pulse-free solvent delivery for consistently fast and accurate results. The HPLC series supports efficient mixing and pulse-free pump action as well as advanced diagnostics and data analysis software. Many additional features such as a Degasser, QuatPump, 1290 Sampler, ALSTherm, COLCOM and VWD, make the HPLC a high functioning reliable asset to have in the laboratory. The system is easy to use and has a low cost of ownership.
Categories: Chromatography, HPLC, HPLC Systems
Condition: Tested and Working
Varian Vista PRO CCD Simultaneous ICP-OES; Agilent SPS 3 Autosampler, and kühlmobil® Störk Tronic Cooler.
The TD-100™ is a high-throughput, automated thermal desorption system for the rapid and unattended processing of up to 100 sample sorbent tubes in a single sequence.
Categories: GC
Condition: Used
Categories: Chromatography, HPLC, HPLC Systems
Condition: Powered On, Not Tested Further
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