If you are looking to buy a used HPLC system, Richmond Scientific should be your first call. We stock a wide range of refurbished units, and regularly build custom HPLC systems for our customers. Second hand systems are available at a fraction of the cost of new, and are often the ideal solution for research and quality control labs on a budget.
Find out more about our specialist HPLC services, including custom builds, servicing and maintenance. When you buy a second hand chromatography system, you want to be sure the equipment will be reliable and stand the test of time. At Richmond Scientific, we have extensive experience working with second hand HPLC modules, and work with highly qualified engineers to ensure the systems are in excellent condition, every time.
Call us on 01257 270 433 if you’d like to know more about buying a second hand system.
1 in stock
Featuring integrated solvent and sample management capabilities to provide flexible and rugged operation for HPLC applications with a highly sensitive, stable and reproducible RI detector, for analysis and quantification of components with limited or no UV absorption.
Categories: General Laboratory, HPLC, HPLC Systems
Condition: Used
Warranty: 30 days (Richmond Promise)
A unique and highly sensitive detector for semi-volatile and non-volatile solutes in a liquid stream.
Complete Agilent 1100 HPLC System, comprising of a G1322A Degasser, G1311A Quat Pump, G1313A Autosampler, G1316A Column Compartment, and G1314A UV Detector
Complete Agilent 1100 HPLC System, comprising of a G1322A Degasser, G1311A Quat Pump, G1313A Autosampler, G1316A Column Compartment, and G1314A UV Detector
Complete Agilent 1100 HPLC System, comprising of a Degasser, G1312A Binary Pump, G1313A Autosampler, G1316A Column Compartment, and G1315B Diode Array Detector
This Agilent 1260/1100 HPLC system includes a 1260 Infinity II Quat Pump, 1100 ColComp and 1260 Infinity VWD.
Categories: Analysis, Chromatography, HPLC, HPLC Systems
Condition: Used
Warranty: 30 days (Richmond Promise)
An integrated Liquid Chromatography system for routine HPLC analysis in analytical and QA/QC labs, optimised for everyday productivity.
System comprises G1322A Degasser, G1311A Binary Pump, G1313A ALS Autosampler, G1316A COLCOM Column Compartment, and G1314A Variable Wavelength Detector.
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+44 (0) 1257 270 433
Richmond Scientific Ltd Unit 9, Edward Street, Chorley, Lancashire, PR6 0RE, Great Britain
WhatThreeWords: moth.later.silks
Company Reg No 07207807
VAT No 990 7051 07
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