Ohaus started out over a hundred years ago as a small scale repair business. Over the years they developed a range of industry leading balances for industry and education, eventually expanding their range to include a wide range of benchtop laboratory equipment.

Ohaus are now our most popular option for benchtop equipment, including balances, centrifuges, incubating shakers, mixers and more…

Lab balance with hand pipetting pink liquid

Ohaus laboratory balances

Ohaus have been making balances for over one hundred years. Despite their roots in mechanical scales, Ohaus now produce some of the most up-to-date balances on the market, with innovative solutions for customers in scientific analysis, jewellery, industry and education.

Their balances are intuitively designed to meet the needs of the user, with a range of portable, analytical and precision balances, each designed to offer unique solutions. The modular Explorer range allows the user to configure the orientation of their balance, while the Adventurer is designed for time-saving operation in high throughput environments. The Pioneer range offers accuracy and repeatability at economical prices. 

Ohaus have the experience and expertise to offer a solution for any laboratory application.

Benchtop Scientific Equipment

At Richmond Scientific we stock a range of laboratory equipment from Ohaus. Find Ohaus centrifuges, heaters, stirrers and balances on the website, or we can help you with replacement rotors, stands or parts for your existing equipment.

Browse Ohaus lab equipment on the websiteor call our sales team to discuss your requirements.

Ohaus Centrifuge and rotor

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