Have you signed up to the 2022 Freezer Challenge, run by My Green Lab? If you haven’t heard about it, it’s a free challenge in which thousands of scientists around the world work to reduce their carbon footprint, reduce energy demand, and lower their costs of cold storage. Awards are available in a range of different categories, such as the type and size of the lab. Loads of organisations have been getting involved since 2017, including universities, hospitals, government facilities and pharmaceutical labs. Sign up today and start saving energy (and earning great eco bragging rights for your company or team!)

How to reduce the energy used by your freezers
Keep the door shut
OK, this might seem obvious, but stick with us. The longer the freezer door is open, the more energy the freezer is going to use in order to get back down to temp. Which brings us to the next point…
Map your samples
Knowing exactly where your samples are in the freezer minimises time with the door open. It allows you to go straight to the draw or shelf you need, access your sample, and then shut the door again with minimal fuss.
Only access what you need
Utilising drawer racks, and compartments reduces the amount of space in your freezer that is exposed to warm air.
Keep the freezer full
This keeps warm air out when you open the freezer door, and helps to maintain the temperature.
Think about the placement of your freezer
If it opens right in front of an oven or furnace, it’s going to be exposed to much warmer air. Also, make sure the freezer is stood a sufficient distance from the wall, allowing the cooling units to function properly.
Keep the air intake filter clean
Periodic wiping and dusting will help with this, but also check your manuals for how to give them a deep clean (removing them once per quarter to give them a wash in soapy water is a good rule of thumb, but always check the manual for your equipment first.)
Defrost your freezer
In the worst cases, a buildup of frost near the door of the unit can prevent the door from closing fully. This massively increases the amount of energy used, and can shorten the life and integrity of your samples.
Utilise technology
Use a smart freezer to monitor the temperature and energy consumption. Many lab freezers are equipped with smart controllers that can give you loads of information about your freezer’s energy usage. Our range of new Pol-Eko laboratory freezers can be equipped with a Smart or Smart Pro controller, giving you all the data you need at the touch of a button.
More ways to make your lab more environmentally friendly
At the end of 2021, we put together a list of easy ways you can save energy in the lab, helping you to reduce costs and improve the energy efficiency of your laboratory. Check it out now, and download the quick reminder checklist to help keep the whole team on track.
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