1 in stock
Includes ZnSe HATR, Diamond ATR and Diffuse Reflectance Accessory, plus full spectral libraries
Categories: Analysis, FTIR Spectrophotometers, Spectroscopy
Condition: Used
Warranty: 30 days (Richmond Promise)
1 in stock
Temperature Ambient up to 2600°C in steps of 10 °C | Wavelength | Range: 184 – 900 nm
1 in stock
Universal Cell Technology Offers 3 Modes for Superior Detection Limits: Standard, Collision, Reaction
Categories: Analysis, ICP, Mass Spectrometry, Spectroscopy
Condition: Used
Warranty: 30 days (Richmond Promise)
1 in stock
Perkin Elmer Spectrum RX1 FTIR Spectrometer, a benchtop FTIR equipped with a PC, monitor and software.
Categories: FTIR Spectrophotometers, Spectroscopy
Condition: Used
Warranty: 30 days (Richmond Promise)
Temperature Range 10 °C Above Ambient to 450 °C. Graphical Interface.
190-900 nm wavelength UV-Vis with integrating sphere.
Categories: FTIR Spectrophotometers, General Laboratory, Spectroscopy
Condition: Used
Warranty: 30 days (Richmond Promise)
Features true double-beam Echelle optics, combined with the power of a solid state detector to deliver performance not typically available with an entry level flame AA.
High performance atomic absorption spectrometer with WinLab32 for AA software.
Categories: AA Spectrophotometers, General Laboratory, Spectroscopy
Condition: Used
Warranty: 30 days (Richmond Promise)
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