Ohaus have been making balances for over one hundred years, and now produce some of the most up-to-date analytical and precision balances on the market, as well as a range of reliable and affordable scientific equipment, including centrifuges, mixers, and accessories.
If you’d like to order, or find out more about Ohaus lab equipment give Richmond Scientific a call on 01257 270 433
1 in stock
Maximum Capacity 10,000 g | Readability 1 g
Categories: Balances, General Laboratory, High Capacity Balances
Condition: Used
Warranty: 30 days (Richmond Promise)
Capacity of 35,000g | Readability 0.1g
Capacity of 24,000g | Readability 0.1g
Capacity of 12,000g | Readability 0.1g
Capacity of 82g | Readability 0.00001g
Categories: 5dp Semi-Micro Balances, Balances
Condition: New
Warranty: 2 years (Manufacturer Warranty)
Capacity of 220g | Readability 0.00001g
Categories: 5dp Semi-Micro Balances, Balances
Condition: New
Warranty: 2 years (Manufacturer Warranty)
Capacity of 120g | Readability 0.00001g
Categories: 5dp Semi-Micro Balances, Balances
Condition: New
Warranty: 2 years (Manufacturer Warranty)
Capacity 120 g/51 g | Readability 0.01 mg | Internal Calibration
Categories: 5dp Semi-Micro Balances, Balances
Condition: New
Warranty: 2 years (Manufacturer Warranty)
Capacity of 1,100g | Readability 0.001g
Capacity 420 g | Readability 0.001 g
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+44 (0) 1257 270 433
Richmond Scientific Ltd Unit 9, Edward Street, Chorley, Lancashire, PR6 0RE, Great Britain
WhatThreeWords: moth.later.silks
Company Reg No 07207807
VAT No 990 7051 07
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